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Artist: Frank MacCarthy (American 1924-2002)

Shop now for MacCarthy reproductions.

Click on the image for price and size details.

Frank MacCarthy, The Last Stand: Little Big Horn Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
The Last Stand: Little Big Horn
Frank MacCarthy, Where Others Had Passed Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Where Others Had Passed
Frank MacCarthy, Lone Sentinel Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Lone Sentinel
Frank MacCarthy, Winter Trail Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Winter Trail
Frank MacCarthy, Along the West Fork Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Along the West Fork
Frank MacCarthy, The Pursuit of the White Buffalo Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
The Pursuit of the White Buffalo
Frank MacCarthy, The Wild Ones Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
The Wild Ones
Frank MacCarthy, Whirling, He Raced to Meet the Challenge Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Whirling, He Raced to Meet the Challenge
Frank MacCarthy, Charging the Challenger Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Charging the Challenger
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